Sunday, August 21, 2011

Not Monday!!!!!!!!!!....280

Sorry about the title, I'm back at work.  I teach high school.  Do you remember that sick feeling you got on Sunday nights around 4 or 5?  Well, teachers get that too.  Except it never goes away because we never graduate.  I should be doing my lesson plans but this is more fun.  I was working on a post about first timers being overwhelmed by planning for their Disney trip and then the blog post overwhelmed me so I stopped and wanted to go something a little easier.  So enjoy as I ease into the week.

Here is something thought provoking...

Remember Antoine Dodson...

*Updated*  A nice blog about the last picture here.  Apparently it has been photoshopped.  Oh well still funny.

Hope you have a great Monday!  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

V @ No Privacy At All Around This Place! said...

For the sake of clarity, I feel obliged to point out that the colors of the outfits in the Cinderella pics at the end have been doctored. The prince's wedding jacket is cream. The stepsister dresses are green and magenta. Still funny though! And love the post overall! :)